Virtual Shooting Range
Smokless Virtual Shooting Range
$25 per hr for individual. $10 hr for every extra person
This is for a self guided range session. The system will be up and running and you'll be shown how to use the program and switch from each drill, and will have someone to fix any problems. You can run whatever drill you
to and can run them as many times in the hr that you'd like. You can use our laser guns, your gun with our laser
cartridges, or a mix of them. It's totally up to you!
Private 1 on 1 training session:
$50 per hr for individual. $15 hr for every extra person
In the private 1 on 1 session with the instructor and we can work on pretty much anything you would like to
work on, from basic fundamentals to more advanced force on force video scenarios. Please email us at to set up a time for the training.
Shooting fundamentals class:
This is a class of 6 students that we work on shooting fundamentals on the virtual range. This is a very
interactive class that goes over the basics with the laser gun so you can get used to everything without the
live ammo to begin with. This is a great class for those not familiar with firearms and will get you to the
point you need to be safely and a little more comfortable for some without the live ammo.
Class is 2hr's and $25 per student
Video scenario class:
This is a 6-person class that utilizes the real-life video scenarios that allow you to judge real world scenarios
and make split second decisions based on the laws of self-defense. Each student will have a go at several
video scenarios and the entire class will examine each scenario and judge each other's performance.
$25 per person
Game time:
Fun for the family. We have several games that is fun for most ages, need to be old enough to hold a gun
(laser gun) and pull the (easy pull) trigger. I would say most 5+ can do it, however my 3 y/o is very good at
it, so I'll just say that they need to be able to handle it.
$50 for 2 hours up to 5 players.